
Read the important documents that govern the use of our services and keep you safe.


Returns and Refunds Policy

Our refund policy is structured to minimize legal and financial risks in line with the principles of the Anti-Money Laundering Policy and the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Policy.


If the source of funds or client activities conflict with the AML Policy, we reserve the right to block access to the Personal Cabinet, suspend trading activities, cancel deposit/withdrawal requests, or initiate a refund unilaterally.


If there is no trading activity or if invalid transactions are recorded on the client's account within one month of deposit, we reserve the right to return the funds to the sender.


Under specific circumstances or for valid reasons, we also reserve the right to refund funds deposited via any payment system, including credit/debit cards. These refunds will be directed to the e-wallets and bank details previously used by the customer to deposit the funds.


Should we determine that a client's activity is inappropriate or contrary to the standard use of our services, indicative of illegal or dishonest intent, we have the right to take necessary measures as specified in this document without prior notice to the client.


By depositing funds into their merchant account using a bank card, the client agrees not to initiate a reversal of the credited payment with their bank or credit/debit card provider during and after using our services.


We reserve the right to block access to the personal area and freeze the current balance if the payment withdrawal is found to be illegal. Once all services and commissions are paid, the funds will be returned to the client's account. We will take all necessary measures to prevent unauthorized third-party access and withdrawals from the client's accounts. Only the account holder can make deposits and withdrawals from their account.